My #OneWord2021 is *drumroll please* STRENGTH!
I have chosen this word both as a reflection of my first block within the program as well as a sort of resolution or promise to myself for the entirety of 2021.
I learned a lot throughout the course of my first block, but during the holiday break I took a lot of time to reflect on my experience beyond the material that I learned and the assignments I completed. While the program itself kept me quite busy, I also found my mind inundated with stressors and insecurity around me, ultimately causing me to worry about my own performance and ability to excel in the program. However, during my time of reflection I made a simple discover: I enjoy learning how to teach and guess what? I am good at it! The knowledge comes easy to me, I am passionate about all subject materials, and I have no reason to doubt if I am in the right place or if this is the right time. I have learned, through my recuperated strength, that this is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of.
So, for 2021, I am choosing strength. Strength to get me to the end of the program in the same positive mindset that I am in now whilst maintaining my sense of confidence and capability. I hope for strength to help extinguish my anxieties about such that I have not yet learned, strength to keep me motivated after difficult practicum days, and strength to maintain my self-love in times where my environment might cause me to lose sight of my power as a learner.
To me, the word ‘strength’ is symbolized by an eternal flame located in the center of my soul. It is what will get me out of bed every morning and will keep me motivated during the long nights of tweaking lesson plans. Strength means enduring the negatives while sustaining the positives. Most of all, strength to me is defined as looking at this program as 1/5 blocks done as opposed to a daunting 4/5 blocks to go.
My resolution for 2021 is to maintain this strength so that I can flourish during my practicum experiences. I not only aim to succeed in the work that I do, but I also wish to network, create connections, and develop a better sense of security to help me stay positive on days that I may doubt my ability to teach my students (during or after the program ends).
I have been told countless times that teaching is an exhausting profession. I have heard way too many times “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher? You must really like kids to be able to do that much work and not make any money.”. But then I read the work of Regie Routman, or watch Tim Cavey’s Teachers on Fire videos and I see so many educators going above and beyond the daily tasks of educating children. Then, I ask myself, how do they do it? It is clear that they are strong and confident in their abilities, just like I strive to be. These teachers are superheroes and advocates for students all around the world creating change in future generations to ensure a positive growth mindset amongst future citizens. Citizens who will be autonomously interacting and creating countless ripple effects spanning throughout the entire world.
I want superhero strength.
Love the vulnerability and support of self included here! #admiration
Thank you!!