So far, a large focus for EDUC 397 this block has been the idea of becoming a teacher-leader in our future schools once we are finally teaching and employed within our school districts. Regie Routman emphasizes becoming a teacher-leader in her book Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence, and Equity for All Learners on page 124 stating that “…for a sustainable change across a school, we need a whole school of highly knowledgeable, highly achieving teachers and students. That requires all teachers to assume a leadership role and for principles to assume a major literacy role as instructional experts.” (Routman 124).
If I can be completely honest, being still in the beginning half of this program I had not yet even thought about my role within a school other than simply teaching. So, my first reaction to being told to strive to be a teacher-leader seemed out of reach. Not having developed any relationships yet or had any real practice in the classroom left me with a feeling of unpreparedness that made me think that anything above getting through the curriculum would be out of reach for at least a year or two into the profession.
That being said, once reading this section of the book and having a discussion in class last week, I have come to realize that becoming a teacher-leader can be more than running staff meetings or advocating for change in a school (both of which are likely unsuitable for a brand-new teacher), but can instead look like starting a conversation over lunch regarding reading techniques, organizing a themed lunch for all teachers to share and enjoy, and even just making an effort to bring the community of the school together through story-telling and laughter.
Post-reflection of this subject has me feeling much more optimistic and has added yet another reason that I am excited to become a teacher! I now feel confident in building those important relationships, not only for my benefit but also for the benefit of my fellow teachers and students all throughout the school. And, with some dedicated effort and hard work, I hope to be able to encourage my fellow teachers to do the same, ultimately creating the collaborative and driven school environment that Regie is advocating for.
Routman, R. (2018). Become a Teacher-Leader. In Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence, and Equity for All Learners (pp. 124–126). essay, Stenhouse Publishers.