This course had many strengths and positives for me. What I learned most was from the assigned textbook for the course because it detailed case study scenarios, terminology, proper courses of action, and even how school community is vital to inclusive education. What I loved the most about the course is that I will be able to take much of what I learned into my further practice, with the textbook to help guide me through with nearly step-by-step instruction! I find it rare to find a textbook with such power. I think that this course will make me a stronger future educator because I have a much deeper understanding of the struggles my students might be going through, the steps to take to better their educational experience, and ultimately just how to ensure that my students feel seen, recognized, and accepted regardless of their strengths or stretches.
All in all, my biggest stretch for this course is the fact that there was simply SO MUCH information to digest in 6 weeks. Add all of that information to personal life disruptions, course work from other classes, and beautiful weather right outside my window, I feel as though I would have to go through it all again another five times just to actually absorb everything that was taught to us. It is also difficult learning all of this vital information in Block 4 out of 5 in the program, because it forced me to reflect on my encounters and lesson planning from past practicum experiences. I understand that this whole learning experience is supposed to be a journey for myself to grow as I add each new tool in my belt, however it is hard to look back on what I have done in the past because I worry that some of my actions could have made my exceptional students feel excluded unintentionally. From this I know that I can only learn and strive to do better in the future, however it is still hard on the conscience to know that my naivety and lack of information in this vital field could have inhibited some students.
Next Steps
So, to take what I have learned, both content-wise and through reflection of past experiences, I have a lot to take into consideration for my next steps. I am aware that I need to put more thought and effort into my lesson planning and implementation for my exceptional learners in the classroom so that all students have not only a better education but also a more enjoyable learning experience. I also know now that the teacher/guardian relationship is so much more important, especially for the exceptional learners, than I had thought before because in order for a student to receive the full supports that they deserve, it takes a village to advocate and fight for them and their rights. With this new knowledge, I know that in my next steps as an educator I will engage in deeper consideration, personal learning, and advocacy than I ever have before, and I look forward to being there for my students in such a way that it sets them up for the best possible success and most of all happiness in the classroom and school community.